Visits in the past years


T. Lappi, 28.1.-5.2., lectures on ”High energy collisions and the CGC”, University of Cape Town, South Africa

J. Auvinen, 20.-24.2., Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia

J. Penttala, 21.-26.3., seminar ”Exclusive vector meson production at next-to-leading order in the Color Glass Condensate framework”, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, USA

T. Lappi, 14.4., colloquium ”EIC – the most powerful microscope on Earth”, University of Helsinki, Finland

J. Auvinen, 17.-21.4., lecture series ”Using Bayesian analysis in relativistic heavy ion collisions”, University of Wrocław, Poland

Y. Kanakubo, 10.5.-12.5., transport seminar ”Interplay between core and corona from small to large colliding systems”, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany

Y. Kanakubo, 15.5.-19.5., ISOQUANT special seminar ”Interplay between core and corona from small to large colliding systems”, Heidelberg University, Germany

H. Mäntysaari, 19.5.-16.6., Nuclear theory seminar ”Diffractive scattering as a probe of nuclear geometry at small-x”, Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA

I. Helenius, 22.5.- 16.6., Lund University, Sweden

J. Penttala, 7.-17.6., seminar ”Exclusive vector meson production at next-to-leading order in the Color Glass Condensate framework”, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA

K.J. Eskola, T. Lappi, H. Mäntysaari, 28.-29.8., Talk: H. Mäntysaari, ”Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter”, Kumpula/Helsinki, Finland, HIP Scientific Advisory Board meeting 2023

P. Duwentäster, V. Guzey, 16.-20.10., University of Münster, Germany

D. Avramescu, 21.-29.11., seminar “Simulating hard probes in the Glasma”, Instituto Galego de Fisica de Altas Enerxias (IGFAE)


K.J. Eskola, 12.4., HIP Board meeting, Kumpula/Helsinki, Finland, participated online

J. Penttala, 15.4., seminar: ”Exclusive vector meson production at next-to-leading order in the Color Glass Condensate framework”, UCLA, USA, Online

K.J. Eskola, T. Lappi, H. Mäntysaari, 20.5., HIP 25v silver jubilee, Kumpula/Helsinki, Finland

H. Mäntysaari, J. Penttala, 23.8., Kumpula/Helsinki, Finland
J. Penttala: HIP seminar ”Exclusive vector meson production at next-to-leading order in the Color Glass Condensate framework”

K.J. Eskola, T. Lappi, H. Mäntysaari, 30.-31.8., HIP Scientific Advisory Board 2022, Kumpula/Helsinki, Finland
H. Mäntysaari: seminar ”Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter”

K.J. Eskola, 7.10., HIP Board meeting, Kumpula/Helsinki, Finland, participated online

Y. Kanakubo, 19.10., BES-Tea Seminar (online): ”Interplay between core and corona from small to large colliding systems”

H. Mäntysaari, 21.11., Kumpula/Helsinki, Finland

K.J. Eskola, 5.12., HIP Board meeting, Kumpula/Helsinki, Finland, participated online


T. Lappi, 24.3., seminar “Classical color fields and the initial geometry of a heavy ion collision”, NCBJ, Warsaw, Poland, online

K. J. Eskola, 14.4. HIP Board Meeting, online

T. Lappi, 20.5., seminar “Properties of glasma color fields”, Lund University, Sweden, online

T. Lappi, 28.6., seminar “CGC and forward physics”, Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark, online

H. Mäntysaari, 23.8. Helsinki, Kumpula

K. J. Eskola, 31.8.-1.9. HIP SAB Meeting, online

K. J. Eskola, 5.10. HIP Board Meeting, online

T. Lappi, 13.10., seminar “Properties of glasma color fields”, TUM, Munich, Germany, online

F. Cougoulic, 11-15.10., Subatech, Nantes, France

H. Mäntysaari, 20.10., Theoretical Physics Division Seminar “Accessing gluon saturation at the Electron-Ion Collider”, NCBJ, Warsaw, Poland, online

T. Lappi, 17-20.11., seminar and PhD defence, Ecole Polytechnique, France

T. Lappi, 23.11., seminar “Scattering and gluon emission in Hamiltonian Light cone formalism”, University of Bergen, Norway, online

K. J. Eskola, 29.11. HIP Board Meeting, online

H. Mäntysaari, 13.12., seminar “UPCs & EIC: using vector mesons to probe non-linear QCD at small x”, Paris Saclay, France, online


K. J. Eskola, 1.4. HIP Board Meeting, online

K. J. Eskola, 17.-18.8. HIP SAB Meeting, online

K. J. Eskola, 7.10. HIP Board Meeting, online

I. Helenius, 23.10. CERN heavy-ion theory seminar, online
”Shadowing in inelastic nucleon-nucleon cross section?”

K. J. Eskola, 24.11. HIP Board Meeting, online

T. Lappi, 4.12. Nordita subatomic committee meeting, online


M. Mace, 14.-18.1. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
IGFAE Seminar: ”Multiparticle correlations from the initial state”

K. Boguslavski, 14.-18.1. Bielefeld University, Germany
Seminar talk: ”Dynamical aspects of gauge theories: spectral functions”

I. Helenius, 29.1.-1.2. Tübingen University, Germany
Theory seminar: ”Diffractive dijets in ultra-peripheral collisions with Pythia 8”

M. Mace, 11.-14.2. CERN
Theory seminar: ”Multiparticle correlations from the initial state”

T. Lappi, 20.-23.3. TU Wien, Austria
Seminar: “Loops in light cone perturbation theory”
Member of jury, PhD defence of David Müller

G. Beuf, 25.3. Subatech, Nantes, France
Theory seminar: “Mass renormalization in LFPT and low-x DIS at NLO”

K.J. Eskola, 29.3. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

G. Inghirami, 15.-26.4. Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

G. Beuf, 22.4.-5.5. NCBJ, Warsaw, Poland

H. Niemi, 24.4.-2.5. J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

S. Demirci, 15.7.-26.7. Bielefeld University, Germany

G. Beuf, 22.7.-26.7. NCBJ, Warsaw, Poland
Theory seminar: “High-energy QCD : towards precision”

K.J. Eskola, 28.-29.8. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP SAB Meeting

H. Mäntysaari, 29.8.-2.10. Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA
EIC Working Group Seminar: “Diffractive Dijet Production from the CGC”

G. Inghirami, 16.9.-27.9. University of Florence, Italy

A. Ramnath, 23.-27.9. Brookhaven National Laboratory, NY, USA
Seminar: “Nonlinear evolution of Wilson line correlators in the Colour Glass Condensate”

A. Ramnath, 30.9.-4.10. Institute for Nuclear Theory, WA, USA
Seminar: “Nonlinear evolution of Wilson line correlators in the Colour Glass Condensate”

K.J. Eskola, 1.10. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

K.J. Eskola, 25.10. Helsinki, Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia

K.J. Eskola, 21.11. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

T. Lappi, 5.-6.12. Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden, High energy physics committee meeting


H. Mäntysaari, 29.1.-11.2. BNL, New York, USA
CFNS seminar: ”Probing gluon saturation at the EIC”

J. Peuron, 3.4-11.4. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

Niemi, 9.-21.4. J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany

K. J. Eskola, 20.4. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

K. Boguslavski, 4.-5.6. University of Helsinki, Finland
Seminar: “Spectral function from real-time lattice gauge simulations”

Niemi, 18.6.-1.7. J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany

V. Guzey, 3.-7.9 PNPI, Gatchina, Russia

K.J. Eskola, 17.9. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

I. Helenius, 17.-28.9. BNL, New York, USA
Nuclear Theory/RIKEN Seminar: ”Status of Pythia 8 for an Electron-Ion Collider”

K. Boguslavski, 5.-9.10. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Seminar: “Far-from-equilibrium dynamics and spectral functions”

K. Boguslavski, 8.-12.10. CERN, Geneva, Switzerland

V. Guzey 1.-30.11., University of Muenster, Germany

G. Beuf, 19.-23.11. LIP, Lisbon, Portugal

K. Boguslavski, 21.-22.11. Technical University (TU) Vienna, Austria
Seminar: “Far-from-equilibrium dynamics and spectral functions”

G. Beuf, 26.-30.11. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Seminar: “Mass renormalization in LFPT and low-x DIS at NLO”

K.J. Eskola, 29.11. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting


J. Peuron 12.-13.1. BNL, NY, USA
Riken lunch seminar: Plasmon mass scale and linearized gauge field fluctuations in classical Yang-Mills theory

J. Peuron 20.2.-17.3. CERN, Switzerland
Heavy-ion coffee: Time evolution of linearized gauge field fluctuations on a real-time lattice”

T. Lappi, 10.3. Jyväskylä, Department of Physics
Colloquium: “QCD in the classical color field limit”

M. Escobedo, 19.3-26.3. Saclay, France

K. J. Eskola, 29.3. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

H. Paukkunen, 3.4, Helsinki Institute of Physics
Seminar: Nuclear PDFs today

J. Peuron & K. Boguslavski 24.4.-19.5. CERN, Switzerland
K. Boguslavski, Heavy-ion coffee: Understanding the dynamics of over-occupied scalar systems

K. J. Eskola, 19.5. Helsinki, RECFA visit to Finland

T. Lappi 9.-12.5. CERN, Switzerland

K. J. Eskola, 29.8. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP SAB Exit interview

K. J. Eskola, 15.9. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

J. Peuron 16.10.-15.12. CERN, Switzerland

K. J. Eskola, 23.11. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

K. J. Eskola, 8.12. Helsinki, Kumpula, Preparation Committee for the HIP Director selection

K. Boguslavski, 11.-22.12. CERN, Switzerland
Seminar: Universality, attractive interactions and the deep IR in scalar systems

K. J. Eskola, 14.12. Helsinki, Kumpula, Preparation Committee for the HIP Director selection


J. Peuron, 18.1.-18.3. CERN, Switzerland

T. Lappi, 1.-5.2. CERN, Switzerland
Seminar: “Initial state gluon correlations and azimuthal anisotropies”

K. J. Eskola, 24.3. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

T. Lappi 20.-23.6. IPhT Saclay, Ranska, member of the dissertation committee (Hanna Grönqvist)

K. J. Eskola, 2.9. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

K. J. Eskola, 7.-8.9. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP SAB Meeting, Exit Interview

K. J. Eskola, 13.-16.9. and 24.-25.9., Frankfurt, J.W. Goethe University, Germany

K. J. Eskola, 23.11. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting


J. Peuron, 24.-26.2. CSC, Espoo, Finland
Participation in “Advanced Threading and Optimization”

K. J. Eskola, 13.3. Jyväskylä, Department of Physics
Colloquium: “Determining viscosity of QCD matter in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions”

K. J. Eskola, 10.4. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

T. Lappi, 21.-25.4 BNL, NY, USA

T. Lappi, 3.-14.5 BNL, NY, USA
Nuclear theory seminar: “Numerical solution of the NLO BK equation”

J. Peuron, 1.-5.6. CERN, Switzerland

T. Lappi, 16.-27.6 BNL, NY, USA

T. Lappi, A. Ramnath, 20.8. University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

K. J. Eskola, 31.8. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Director search committee meeting

K. J. Eskola, 2.9. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP SAB Exit Interview

T. Lappi, 25.9 Academy of Finland, Helsinki, Finland, ERC-CoG interview preparation

K. J. Eskola, 25.9. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

J. Peuron, 20.-22.10. CSC, Espoo, Finland
Participation in “Introduction to Parallel programming”

H. Paukkunen, 21.-23.10. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Seminar: Neutron skin and centrality classification in high-energy heavy-ion collisions at the LHC

T. Lappi, 23.10., Academy of Finland, Helsinki, Finland, Academy research fellow meeting

K. J. Eskola, 20.11. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

J. Peuron, 8.-10.12 CSC, Espoo, Finland
Participation in “Introduction to Accelerators”


H. Mäntysaari, 7.-17.1. BNL, USA
Seminar: Particles from the Colored Glass: diffraction, DIS and hadron production

H. Niemi, 9.-15.2. Frankfurt, Germany
Seminar: Constraints from v2 fluctuations for the initial state geometry of heavy-ion collisions

R. Perez-Ramos, 24.2.-8.3. CERN, Switzerland
Seminar: Lastest news on fragmentation functions at low x

K. J. Eskola, 22.4. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

I. Helenius, 22.-25.4. Lund, Sweden
Seminar: Influence of the LHC data to nuclear parton distribution functions and fragmentation functions

K. J. Eskola, 14.-18.5. J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt
Colloquium: Determining QCD matter viscosity from fluid dynamics with saturated minijet initial conditions in ultrarelativistic A+A collisions

T. Lappi, 11.-19.6. IPhT Saclay, France
Seminar: Spatial Wilson loops in the glasma

K. J. Eskola, 1.9. Helsinki, Kumpula, 50-y celebration of the Research Institute for Theoretical Physics

T. Lappi, 19.9.2014, Baruch College/CUNY, New York, USA

K. J. Eskola, 26.9. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

K. J. Eskola, 3.10. Helsinki, Kumpula, CERN 60-y celebration

K. J. Eskola, 23.-26.10. J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt

H. Paukkunen, 27.-31.10. Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Seminar: LHC data challenges the contemporary parton-to-hadron fragmentation functions

K. J. Eskola, 25.11. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting


K. J. Eskola, 5.3. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

K. J. Eskola, 3.4. University of Helsinki, Department of Physics, Paul Hoyer’s fairwell lecture

H. Niemi, 3.-15.6. Frankfurt, Germany
Seminar: Initial state from the NLO pQCD + local saturation model

K. J. Eskola, 28.-29.8. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP SAB Meeting

K. J. Eskola, 18.9. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

H. Paukkunen, 16.-19.10. Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA
Seminar: A NLO pQCD study of dijet rapidity distributions in p+Pb collisions

K. J. Eskola, 27.11. Helsinki, Kumpula, HIP Board Meeting

H. Paukkunen, 9.-13.12. Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Seminar: LHC data challenges the contemporary parton-to-hadron fragmentation functions


R. Chatterjee, 16.1. Nuclear Theory group of Ohio state University (Skype)
Talk: “Thermal photons from event by event fluctuating initial density distribution”

J. Auvinen, 6.-9.2. FIAS, Frankfurt
Talk: “The hard parton elastic energy loss in a strongly interacting medium in a Monte Carlo simulation”

T. Renk, 23.-25.2., Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
Talk: “Jet quenching and what we can learn from LHC data”

T. Lappi, 6.-9.3. Santiago de Compostela
Talk: “Multigluon correlations in the Color Glass Condensate”

J. Auvinen, 14.3. Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China (EVO)
Talk: “Studying the elastic energy loss of high-energy partons in quark-gluon plasma using a Monte Carlo simulation”

H. Niemi, 27.3.-4.4. FIAS, Frankfurt
Talk: “Effects of temperature dependent eta/s on the azimuthal asymmetries of hadron spectra in nuclear collisions at RHIC and LHC”

H. Niemi, 23.4.-4.5. MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest

T. Lappi, 13.6.-4.7. IPhT Saclay
Seminar: “Unequal rapidity correlations in JIMWLK”

K. J. Eskola, 28.8. Helsinki, HIP, SAB Exit Interview

K. J. Eskola, 6.9. Helsinki, HIP, HIP Board Meeting

H. Niemi, 15.-25.10. MTA TKI, Debrecen, Hungary
Talk: “Fluid dynamical modeling for RHIC and LHC”

R. Chatterjee, 15.-27.10. Bhabh Atomic Research Centre (BARC), Mumbai and Variable Energy cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata, India
Talk (at BARC): “Elliptic flow of electromagnetic radiation and thermal photons from fluctuating initial conditions”

K. J. Eskola, 23.10. Helsinki, publishing of the Academy review results

K. J. Eskola, 29.11. Helsinki, HIP Board Meeting


H. Holopainen, 7.-12.3. J.W. Goethe university & FIAS, Frankfurt
Talk: “All the event’s planes”

T. Lappi, 12.-18.3. BNL, Nuclear Theory

T. Kähärä, 4.-8.7. GSI & TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Talk: “Thermodynamics of strong interactions from chiral models with Polyakov loop”

K.J. Eskola, 30.-31.8. Helsinki, HIP, SAB meeting

K.J. Eskola, 7.9. Helsinki, HIP, HIP Board meeting

K.J. Eskola, 17.-18.10. CERN, Theory Division

R. Chatterjee, 10.-28.11, Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, India

K.J. Eskola, 15.11. Helsinki, HIP, & Otaniemi, Aalto University, HIP Board Working Group meeting

J. Auvinen, 29.11.-2.12. University of Santiago de la Compostela, Spain,
Talk: “A Monte Carlo simulation for the hard parton elastic energy loss in a strongly interacting medium”

K.J. Eskola, 8.12. Nordita, Stockholm, Meeting of the subfield committee of subatomic physics

K.J. Eskola, 9.12. Helsinki, HIP, HIP Board meeting


T. Karavirta, Helsinki U., 7.-8.1.2010

K.J Eskola, Helsinki, HIP, 19.1.2010, CoE collaboration meeting with K. Enqvist

K.J. Eskola, Helsinki, 1.2.2010, Board meeting of the Finnish Physical Society

T. Karavirta, Helsinki U., 8.-10.3.2010

T. Karavirta, Helsinki U., 30.3.-1.4.2010

T. Lappi, Helsinki U., 6.-7.4.2010

T. Renk, Duke U., Durham (NC), USA, 18-23.4.2010
Seminar: “YaJEM – a Monte-Carlo code for in-medium shower evolution”

K.J. Eskola, Helsinki, 19.8.2010, HIP Board meeting

T. Karavirta, Helsinki U., 24.-26.8.2010

M. Heikinheimo, York U.,Toronto, Canada, 29.9-1.10.2010
Seminar: “Recent Developments in Model Building for DEWSB”

H. Holopainen, Helsinki U., 5.10.2010
Seminar: “Event-by-event hydrodynamics and elliptic flow from fluctuating initial state”

K.J. Eskola, Nordita, Stockholm, 13.12.2010, Meeting of the subfield committee of subatomic physics

K.J. Eskola, CERN, 14.-16.12.2010, QM2011 IAC meeting and scientific collaboration


K.J. Eskola, Helsinki 9.2. Board meeting of the Finnish Physical Society

K.J. Eskola, Helsinki 12.3. Board meeting of the Finnish Physical Society

T. Renk, Stockholm, Sweden 26.3.-27.3.
Talk: “Heavy Ion Collisions seen via Hard Probes and Jets”

K.J. Eskola, Helsinki 3.6. Board meeting of the Finnish Physical Society

K.J. Eskola, Helsinki 20.8. HIP Board meeting

K. Tuominen, visiting scientist in Odense U., Denmark, 8.9.2009-31.8.2010

H. Heikinheimo, T. Karavirta, Odense U., Denmark, 3.10-7.10.2009

K.J. Eskola, Helsinki, 5.10., Board meeting of the Finnish Physical Society

T. Lappi, MIT, USA, 26.10
Particle and Nuclear Physics colloquium on “Understanding saturation and AA collisions with an eA collider”

T. Lappi, BNL, USA, 27.-30.10

K.J. Eskola, Helsinki, 18.11., HIP Board meeting

T. Lappi, Santiago, Spain, 29.11.-3.12.
Seminar: “Gluon correlations in the Glasma”

T. Karavirta, Helsinki U., 29.-30.11

K.J. Eskola, Nordita, 8.12., Meeting of the Subfield Committee of Subatomic physic

K.J. Eskola, Helsinki, 18.12., Board meeting of the Finnish Physical Society and receiving a grant from the Väisälä Foundation of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters

T. Renk, Frankfurt U., Germany, 7.12.
Seminar: “Nuclear suppression at asymptotically high P_T”

T. Karavirta, Helsinki U., 7.-11.12


K. Tuominen, in Helsinki 15.1.
Seminar: “Technicolor– a competitive mechanism for EWSB”.

K. J. Eskola, K. Tuominen and V. Ruuskanen at University of Helsinki 31.1

T. Renk at Prague University, Czech Republic, 22.5. to 24.5.
Talk: “Lessons from single hadron and dihadron suppression”

K.J. Eskola, at the meeting of the Board of the Finnish Physical Society; HIP, Helsinki, 29.5.08

K.J. Eskola, at U. Santiago, Spain, 7-8.6.2008

K.J. Eskola, at the Department of Physics, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Germany, 21.7.08

K. J. Eskola, at University of Helsinki 10.10. Board meeting, Finnish Physical Society

M. Heikinheimo in Odense, Denmark 26.10.-5.11.

H. Paukkunen, at U. Santiago, Spain, 17-21.11.2008
Talk: “Some topics in global PDF fits”

K. Tuominen in Helsinki 24.-26.11.

Seminar 25. 11. “Walking technicolor on the lattice”.

T.Renk in Frankfurt 4.12. Seminar: “Medium-modified jets and their role for heavy-ion physics”.

K.J. Eskola, in Helsinki 8.12. Receives a grant from Väisälä foundation.

K. Tuominen in Oulu 8.-10.12.

T.Renk at the Technical University of Munich 10.12. Seminar: “Medium-modified jets and their role for heavy-ion physics”.


K. Tuominen, at SDU/Odense, 29.1.-9.2.
Seminar: “WIMP of the minimal walking Technicolor theory”.

T. Renk, at Nagoya, Japan, 10.-21.2.2007

T.Renk, at Helsinki University, 27.2.2007
Colloquium talk: “High p_T processes as a tool to probe bulk matter in heavy ion collisions”

T. Renk, Long Island, USA, 28.2-6.3.2007

Talk at Stony Brook 1.3: “Prospects of Jet Tomography Using Hard Processes inside a Soft Medium”

Talk at BNL 2.3: “Dimuon transverse momentum spectra as a tool to characterize the emission

region in heavy-ion collisions”

H. Paukkunen, at Rome, 2-6.4.2007

K. Tuominen, at University of Helsinki, Department of Physical Sciences, 5-6.3.

T. Renk, at McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 13.6.
Talk: “Dimuon transverse momentum spectra as a tool to characterize the emission region in heavy-ion collisions”

K.J. Eskola, at Institut fur Theoretische Physik, J.W. Goethe- Universität, Frankfurt, 7-12.8.
Talk: “Global reanalysis of nPDFs”

K. Tuominen, at University of Oulu, Department of Physical Sciences, 10-12.9.

K. Tuominen, at SDU/Odense, 16-22.10.

K. Tuominen, at University of Oulu, Department of Physical Sciences, 26-29.11.

H. Paukkunen, at Rome, 1-9.12.

K.J. Eskola, at University of Helsinki, Department of Physical Sciences, 10.12.


T. Renk, at Technical University of Munich, Garching, 5.-11.1.
seminar: “The NA60 dilepton data – some theoretical ideas”

K. Tuominen, at HYFL, 25.-27.1.2006

K. Tuominen, at NBI & Nordita, Copenhagen, 29.1.-10.2.2006

T. Renk, at Duke University, Durham, 4-9.6.

T. Renk, at CERN/TH 8-22.10.

K.J. Eskola and H. Paukkunen, at HIP, Helsinki, 20.10.
Site visit of the CoE proposal reviewers, Talk “QCD matter” by K.J. Eskola

T. Renk, at Frankfurt 17-18.12.2006.
seminar: “Prospects of medium tomography using 2- and 3-particle correlations for a (semi-)hard trigger”


K.J. Eskola, at HIP 4.1.2005

K. Tuominen, at HIP 3.-5.1.2005

K. Tuominen, at NBI, Copenhagen, 7.-14.2.2005
Seminar: Polyakov loop and deconfinement dynamics

K.J. Eskola, at HIP, 14.4.2005
Site visit of the CoE-referees, 2 talks

K. Tuominen, at HIP, 14.4.2005
Site visit of the CoE-referees

H. Niemi, at HIP, 14.4.2005
Site visit of the CoE-referees, talk

V.J. Kolhinen, at MIT, 2.5.2005

K. Tuominen, at FIAS, Frankfurt, 6.-12.6.2005
Colloqium: Dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking and new composite Higgs theories.

H. Paukkunen, at DESY Zeuthen, 20.7.-13.9 2005,
DESY summer student program
Talk: Is Inverse Compton scattering a way to measure beam energy at International Linear Collider?

K. Tuominen, at NBI, Copenhagen, 6.-12.11.2005


H. Niemi, at LBNL Berkeley, 5.-10.1.2004

V.J. Kolhinen, at LBNL Berkeley, 18.-23.1.2004
Talk: Nonlinear corrections to the DGLAP equations; their effect to charm production

K. Tuominen: HIP, Helsinki, 30.11.2004
Talk: New Technicolor theories from higher representations


Kari J. Eskola, at HIP, Helsinki, 26.9.2003

Kimmo Tuominen, at Nordita, 17.-21.10.2003

Kimmo Tuominen, at HIP, Helsinki, 9.12.2003
Talk: “Critical behavior of non order parameter fields”


Kari J. Eskola, at HIP, Helsinki, 14.-15.2.2002

Vesa Ruuskanen, at LAPP Annecy, 6.-9.3.2002

Kari J. Eskola, at HIP, Helsinki, 10.6.2002
talk for the Nordita Board: “Ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions”

Harri Niemi, CERN summer student at ALICE, CERN, 11.6.-30.8.2002

Sami Räsänen, participates in the ECT* Marie Curie Training Programme 2002, Trento, Italy, 1.-31.7. and 1.9.-31.10.

Vesa Ruuskanen, LAPP Annecy, 2.-5.10.2002


Kimmo Tuominen, at Helsinki, 18.-22.4.2001

Kimmo Tuominen, at Duke University, 9.-13.5.2001

Kari J. Eskola, at HIP, Helsinki 7.-8.6.2001 presentation of the LoI of the URHIC project