
Conferences, workshops and schools in 2024

  • Moriond QCD 2024 , 31.3.-7.4.2024, La Thuile, Italy
    Participant: F. Hekhorn
    Contributed talk: F. Hekhorn: “Intrinsic Charm in the Proton”
  • Physical Society of Japan 79th Annual Meeting (online), 19.3.2024,
    online Participant: Y. Kanakubo
    Invited talk: Y. Kanakubo: “Development of a framework with quark-gluon plasma fluid generation based on the core–corona picture”
  • New jet quenching tools to explore equilibrium and non-equilibrium dynamics in heavy-ion collisions , 12.-16.2.2024, Trento, Italy
    Participants: D. Avramescu, T. Lappi, I. Soudi
    Invited talks: D. Avramescu: “Jet transport in the Glasma using colored particle-in-cell simulations”
    T. Lappi: “Attractor behavior of pre-equilibrium transport coefficients”
    I. Soudi: “Studying small systems using a multi-stage approach”
  • 31st International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering , 8.-12.4.2024, Grenoble, France
    Participants: C. Casuga, P. Duwentäster, F. Hekhorn, I. Helenius, T. Lappi, J. Laulainen, H. Mäntysaari, P. Paakkinen, Y. Tawabutr, M. Tevio, X. Tong, S. Yrjänheikki
    Contributed talks: C. Casuga: “Inferring the Initial Condition for the BK Equation”, 
    P. Duwentäster: “Proton PDFs with non-linear corrections from gluon recombination”, 
    F. Hekhorn: “Towards NNPDFpol2.0″, 
    I. Helenius, L. Massacrier, G. Stagnitto: “WG4 Summary”,
    T. Lappi: “Dipole picture diffractive structure function at NLO”,
    J. Laulainen: “Multi-Jet Merging in Deep Inelastic Scattering with Pythia”,
    H. Mäntysaari: “Probing gluon saturation and nuclear structure in photon-nucleus collisions”,
    P. Paakkinen: ” Dijet photoproduction and transverse-plane geometry in ultra-peripheral nuclear collisions”,
    Y. Tawabutr: “Global analysis of polarized DIS & SIDIS data with improved small-x helicity evolution”,
    M. Tevio: “Evolution of structure functions at NLO without PDFs”,
    X. Tong: “Harmonics of Lepton-Jet Correlations in inclusive and diffractive scatterings”,
    S. Yrjänheikki: “Dimuon production in neutrino-nucleus collisions – the SIDIS approach”
    Organization: I. Helenius: Co-convener of Working Group 4: QCD with Heavy Flavors and Hadronic Final States