The research in the Jyväskylä QCD theory group at the University of Jyväskylä department of Physics revolves around different aspects of QCD at high energy and density. In addition to the phenomenology of high energy nuclear collisions at the CERN-LHC and BNL-RHIC, we are involved with physics studies for planned next generation DIS experiments. We use weak coupling QCD renormalization group equations to understand the partonic structure of hadrons and nuclei. Important specialties of our group are using this information to understand the formation of a thermalized quark-gluon plasma, and modeling its subsequent evolution with relativistic hydrodynamics.
Our research is supported by the Academy of Finland (AoF) and previously also by the European Research council (see ERC Consolidator project Shining Light on Saturated Gluons 2024-2029 and the previous ERC project CGCglasmaQGP). We form the AoF Centre of Excellence in Quark Matter together with the ALICE group at JYFL in 2022-2029. Our research is also part of the Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter theory project (2023-2028) at the Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP) (see also previous 2014-2022 project). We are in a close contact with the QCD groups in Helsinki. For recent research highlights, see the JYFL Annual Report 2021 (p. 54), and earlier 2000-2020.
- Centre of Excellence in Quark Matter, Academy of Finland, 2022-2026/2029
- HIP theory project Phases of Strongly Interacting Matter (2023-2028), (previous project 2014-2022)
- ALICE group at Jyväskylä
- Particle Physics Day 2023
- Particle Physics Day 2021
- Particle Physics Day 2020
- Particle Physics Day 2018
- Jyväskylä Summer School 2018 PH3, PH4
- Jyväskylä Summer School 2016 PH1 lecture notes, PH2 lecture notes (part1, part2)
- Particle Physics Day 2016
- POETIC IV (2013)
- Heikki Mäntysaari gets an ERC Consolidator Grant 23.11.2023
- Yuuka Kanakubo receives the “Kohsuke Yagi Quark Matter Award” (Yagi Award) 2023
- Ilkka Helenius becomes the Spokesperson of the Pythia Collaboration, 26.5.2023
- Jani Penttala receives the Mikael Björnberg award 29.4.2022 (in Finnish)
- The JYFL QCD theory and ALICE groups gets the Center of Excellence in Quark Matter
- Heikki Mäntysaari gets an Academy Research Fellowship 1.9.2021-30.8.2026
- Tuomas Lappi becomes a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, 23.4.2021 read more (fi)
- Ilkka Helenius becomes the Deputy Spokesperson of the Pythia Collaboration, 15.4.2021
- Ilkka Helenius gets an Academy Research Fellowship 1.9.2020-31.8.2025
- EPS09 analysis of nuclear PDFs reaches 1000 citations
- ERC Advanced Grant to prof. Carlos Salgado (U. Santiago de Compostela), consortium with U. Jyväskylä and LIP Lisbon, 1.10.2019-30.9.2024 --- Jyväskylä node leader Harri Niemi
- Heikki Mäntysaari receives the Mikael Björnberg award 27.4.2018
- Kari J. Eskola receives the “Lecturer of the year 2018 in physics” –award from the student organization Ynnä
- Tuomas Lappi gets a full professorship 1.1.2018
- Hannu Paukkunen gets an Academy Research Fellowship 1.9.2017-31.8.2022
- Tuomas Lappi gets an ERC Consolidator Grant 1.7.2016
- Tuomas Lappi receives the 2014 Zimanyi Medal (in Finnish, English)
- Kari J. Eskola becomes a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters (April 2013)
- Professor emeritus Vesa Ruuskanen In Memoriam (Jan. 2012)
- Essays in Honour of Professor of Theoretical Physics P.V. Ruuskanen on the Occasion of His Retirement. (Dec. 2006)