Visitors in the past years


9.-11.3. Risto Paatelainen (University of Helsinki)

20.-23.3. Christian T. Preuss (ETH Zürich)

19.4.-23.4. Felix Hekhorn (INFN, Milan, Italy)

1.-3.6. Paul Hoyer (University of Helsinki), opponent for Topi Löytäinen

5.-8.6. Adrian Dumitru (Baruch College, CUNY), opponent for Sami Demirci

25.-28.6. Christopher Royon (University of Kansas)

1.-26.8. Jamal Jalilian-Marian (Baruch College, CUNY)

6.-10.8. Christopher Royon (University of Kansas)

6.-9.8. Lech Szymanowski (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland), opponent for Jani Penttala

6.-8.8. Risto Paatelainen (University of Helsinki)

6.-10.11. Travis Dore (Bielefeld University)


21.-22.4. Jarkko Peuron (Lund University), Sweden

27.-29.4. R. Paatelainen (University of Helsinki), Finland

1.-16.11. Jan Fotakis (J.W. Goethe University), Frankfurt am Main, Germany

7.-10.12. Michel Strickland (Kent State U., member of SAB of our CoE), CoE SAB meeting

7.-10.12. Olga Evdogimov (U. of Illinois, Chicago, member of SAB of our CoE), CoE SAB meeting

8.-9.12. Pekka Pankka (U. Helsinki, member of SAB of our CoE), CoE SAB meeting


16.4. Torbjörn Sjöstrand (Lund University), JYFL Colloquium “Past, present and future of the PYTHIA event generator”, online

22.6. Stephane Munier (Ecole Polytechnique/CNRS), opponent for Andrecia Ramnath, online

29.10. Krzysztof Golec-Biernat (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Poland), opponent for Henri Hänninen, online


14.-24.2. Dirk Rischke (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)


2.-3.1. Risto Paatelainen (CERN, Theory Department, Geneva, Switzerland)

11.-22.2. Jarkko Peuron (ECT*, Trento, Italy)

19.-26.2. Etele Molnar (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

20.-27.2. Dirk H. Rischke (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

13.-17.5. Marina Walt (Tübingen University, Tübingen, Germany)

27.5.-21.6. Pasi Huovinen (Institute of Physics Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Serbia)

27.-31.5. Risto Paatelainen (CERN, Theory Department , Geneva, Switzerland)

12.8.-2.9. Jarkko Peuron (ECT*, Trento, Italy)

12.-21.8. Risto Paatelainen (CERN, Theory department , Geneva, Switzerland)

21.-31.8. Kirill Boguslavski (TU Wien, Austria)

3.-4.9. Keijo Kajantie (HIP, University of Helsinki)

5.-7.9. Juan Rojo (Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands): opponent for P. Paakkinen

21.-28.9. Meijian Li (Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA)

24.9.-15.10. Jan Fotakis (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

20.12. Jarkko Peuron (ECT*, Trento, Italy)


15.-19.1. Asier Piñeiro Orioli (Heidelberg University)

22.-26.1. Risto Paatelainen (University of Helsinki)

12.2-12.5. David Müller (Vienna University of Technology)

13.-21. 2. Etele Molnar (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

13.-23. 2. Dirk Rischke (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

2.-4.4. Risto Paatelainen (University of Helsinki)

4.5. Ilkka Helenius (University of Tübingen)

6.4. Pasi Huovinen (University of Wroclaw)

6.6. Aleksi Vuorinen (Helsinki Institute of Physics)

6.6. Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki Institute of Physics)

6.-7.8. Anders Tranberg (University of Stavanger)

6.-19.8. Carlos Salgado (University of Santiago de Compostela)

8.-10.8. Niklas Müller (BNL)

9.8. Pasi Huovinen (University of Wroclaw)

12.-15.8. Jamie Nagle (University of Colorado)

13.-17.8. Risto Paatelainen (University of Helsinki)

15.8. Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki Institute of Physics)

17.-21.8. Pasi Huovinen (University of Wroclaw)

4.12. Maximilian Attems (University of Santiago de Compostela)

10.-14. 12. Etele Molnar (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

14.12. Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki Institute of Physics)

17.-21.12. Pasi Huovinen (Institute of Physics, Belgrade)


5.1. Harri Niemi (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

9.-13.1. Pasi Huovinen (University of Wroclaw)
Seminar: Is there a low p_T anomaly in the pion momentum spectrum at LHC?

23.2.-1.3. Dirk Rischke (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

27.-31.3. Ilkka Helenius (The University of Tübingen)
Seminar: Photoproduction in e+e- and ep collisions with Pythia 8

18.-26.4. Harri Niemi (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)
Seminar: Choice of moment and derivation of anisotropic dissipative fluid dynamics

15.-19.5. Heikki Mäntysaari (BNL, NY, USA)
Seminar: Imprints of fluctuating proton shapes on flow in proton-lead collisions at the LHC

5.-9.6. Pasi Huovinen (University of Wroclaw)
Seminar: Better fitting through (fictitious) chemistry

22.6. Ilkka Helenius (University of Tübingen)

1.5.-31.7. David Müller (Vienna University of Technology)
Seminar: Simulating the Glasma in heavy ion collisions with finite longitudinal thickness

9.-12.8. Jean-Paul Blaizot (Saclay)
Departmental colloquium: Bose-Einstein condensation in unusual circumstances

11.-24.8. Ilkka Helenius (University of Tübingen)

28.8.-1.9. Harri Niemi (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

13.10. Aleksi Vuorinen
Departmental colloquium: Neutron star properties from QCD

21.-22.11. Risto Paatelainen (University of Helsinki)

18.-22.12. Ilkka Helenius (University of Tübingen)


8.1. Harri Niemi (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

11.-15.1. Pasi Huovinen (University of Wroclaw)
Seminar: ”Does eta/s depend on mu_b?”

7.-10.2. David Zaslavsky (CCNU)
Seminar: “Inclusive Hadron Production as a Probe of Saturation Physics on the Energy Frontier”

17.-29.2. Dirk Rischke (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)
Departmental Colloquium: “Relativistic hydrodynamics for heavy-ion collisions — can a macroscopic approach be applied to a microscopic system?”

21.3. Harri Niemi (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

18.-22.4. Heikki Mäntysaari (BNL, NY, USA)
Seminar: “Constraining proton structure fluctuations at small x”

20.-21.4. Urs Wiedemann (CERN-TH, Switzerland)
Seminar: “Viscous hydrodynamics & cosmology”

30.5.-4.6. Kirill Boguslavski (Heidelberg University, Germany)
seminar: “Far-from-equilibrium universality classes in heavy-ion collisions and cosmology”

10.8. Pasi Huovinen, (University of Wroclaw)

8.-12.8. Harri Niemi (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt), JSS16 lecturer

8.-12.8. Aleksi Kurkela (CERN/TH) JSS16 lecturer

11.-15.11. Heikki Mäntysaari (BNL, NY, USA)
seminar: “Proton structure fluctuations at high energy”


5.-9.1. Risto Paatelainen (U. Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

12.-13.1. Pasi Huovinen (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

14.-25.2. Dirk Rischke (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

10.-13.6. Jamal Jalilian-Marian (Baruch College, New York, USA), Opponent for Heikki Mäntysaari

11.6. Ilkka Helenius (Lund University, Sweden)

23.6. Jussi Auvinen (Duke University, USA)

12.8. Heribert Weigert (University of Cape Town, South Africa)

6.-7.11. Keijo Kajantie (HIP, Helsinki)

4.12. Ilkka Helenius (Lund University, Sweden)

14.-16.12. Risto Paatelainen (U. Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

14.-19.12. Soeren Schlichting (BNL, NY, USA)


19.-22.1. Matt Sievert (Ohio State U.)

23.-28.1. David Zaslavsky (Penn State U.)

28.-31.1. Bertrand Ducloué (Orsay)

5.-8.2. Frederik Van der Veken (Antwerpen)

13.-27.2. Dirk Rischke (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

16.-22.2. Gabriel Denicol (McGill University, Montreal, Canada)

25.-28.3. Pasi Huovinen (J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)

3.-6.8. Marco Stratmann (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Tubingen University)
Opponent for Ilkka Helenius

28.-30.8. Mikko Laine (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Albert Einstein Center, University of Bern)
Opponent for Risto Paatelainen


18.1. Hannu Holopainen (FIAS, Frankfurt)

8.-25.2. Dirk Rischke (J.W. Goethe U., Frankfurt)

25.2-1.3. Pasi Huovinen (FIAS, Frankfurt)

2.-5.9. International POETIC IV workshop at Jyväskylä:
20 participants from abroad, 3 from Helsinki. Registered participants


4.1. Pasi Huovinen (J. W. Goethe U. & FIAS, Frankfurt)

17.1. Hannu Holopainen (J. W. Goethe U. & FIAS, Frankfurt)

1.2.-1.3. Gabriel Denicol (Institut für Theoretische Physik, J. W. Goethe U., Frankfurt)
Talk: 3.2.

13.-27.2. Dirk Rischke (J. W. Goethe U. & FIAS, Frankfurt)

17.-26.2. Pasi Huovinen (J. W. Goethe U. & FIAS, Frankfurt)
Talk: 22.2. “Including finite net-baryon number into lattice equation of state”
Talk: 24.2. “Triangles and tetrahedra: Airtight freeze-out surface in 3+1D”

17.-26.2. Etele Molnár (MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest)

26.-28.2. Rodion Kolevatov (University of Oslo, Norway)
Talk: “Reggeon field theory / mass hierarchy in collisional energy loss”

5.-7.3. Redamy Perez-Ramos (University of Valencia, Spain)
Talk: “Medium-modified parton showers”

8.-10.3. Hao Ma (Universiy of Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
Talk: “Photon and gluon radiation in a hot and dense QCD medium”

1.-31.6. Heli Honkanen (Penn State University, USA)

20.-24.8. Francois Gelis (Institut de Physique Theoretique, CEA/Saclay, France)
Lectures: “High Energy Scattering in QCD”

20.-24.8. William Horowitz (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
Lectures: “pQCD Calculations of Parton Energy Loss in a Quark-Gluon Plasma”

20.-24.8. Björn Schenke (Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA)
Lectures: “Relativistic Hydrodynamics in Heavy Ion Collisions”

30.8.-3.9. Steffen Bass (Duke University, Durham, N.C., USA)
Opponent to Jussi Auvinen 31.8.

1.9.-6.11. Heli Honkanen (Penn State University, USA)


4.1. Harri Niemi (J. W. Goethe U. & FIAS, Frankfurt)
Talk: “Influence of the shear viscosity of the quark-gluon plasma on elliptic flow in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.”

17.-21.1. Pasi Huovinen (J. W. Goethe U. & FIAS, Frankfurt)
Talk: “Viscous hydrodynamics for URHIC”

10.2. Marco Ruggieri (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
Talk: “Quantum Chromodynamics in a Strong Magnetic Background”
Host: K. Tuominen

18.2.-1.3. Dirk Rischke (J. W. Goethe U. & FIAS, Frankfurt)

22.2. Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki Institute of Physics)

25.-26.3. Jorge Casalderrey-Solana (CERN/TH)
Talk: “Jet quenching and the AdS/CFT-correspondence”

10.-30.4. Massimiliano Alvioli (ECT, Trento)
Talk: “Nucleon-nucleon correlations and fluctuations in Monte Carlo Glauber modeling”

28.-29.4. Lauri Wendland (Helsinki Institute of Physics)
Colloquium: “Status of Higgs boson searches in the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC”

20.-22.6. Mark Strikman (Pennsylvania State University)
Talk: “Theory of leading twist shadowing phenomena : predictions and uncertainty estimates”

22.-26.8. Björn Schenke (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Talk: “3+1D viscous relativistic hydrodynamics”

14.-17.8. Derek Teaney (Stony Brook State University of New York)
Opponent for Hannu Holopainen

16.8. Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki Institute of Physics)

2.9. Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki Institute of Physics)

29.9. Marco Panero (Helsinki Institute of Physics)
Talk: “Thermal properties of strongly coupled gauge theories and the large-N limit” Host: K. Tuominen

6.-7.10. Sabine Hossenfelder (Nordita, Stockholm)
Colloquium: “News from Quantum Gravity Phenomenology”

13.10. Lusaka Bhattacharya (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata)
Talk: “Photons from relativistic heavy ion collisions”

14.10. Aleksi Kurkela (McGill University, Montreal)
Talk: “Thermalisation in collisions of extremely large nuclei at extremely large energies”

21.10. Ritva Kinnunen (Helsinki Institute of Physics)
Colloquium: “Higgs Results from CMS”


8.1, 12-13.1 Harri Niemi (J. W. Goethe U., Frankfurt am Main)
Seminar: Precisision tests of Israel-Stewart hydrodynamics

1.-6.2 George Moschelli (Wayne State U.)
Seminar: Soft Contribution to the Hard Ridge

8.-10.2 William Horowitz (Ohio State U.)
Seminar: Successes, Failures, and Uncertainties in the Theory of Jet Physics in Heavy Ion Collisions

15.-20.2 Rupa Chatterjee (Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata, India)
Seminar: Consequences of elliptic flow in relativistic heavy ion collisions

15.-25.2 Dirk Rischke (J.W. Goethe U. Frankfurt am Main)

16.-20.8 Hannah Petersen (Duke U.)

23.-27.8 Harri Niemi (J. W. Goethe U., Frankfurt am Main)
Seminar: Viscous hydrodynamics

25.-29.10 Matt Luzum (Saclay, SPhT)
Seminars: Triangular flow in viscous hydrodynamics, v4 from Ideal and Viscous Hydrodynamics

4.-6.11 Nick Evans (University of Southampton, UK)
Opponent for M. Heikinheimo

9.-11.12 Eduardo S. Fraga (Rio de Janeiro Federal U., Brasil)
Opponent for T. Kähärä

13.-21.12 Tobial Toll (Brookhaven)
Seminar about a Monte Carlo event generator for diffractive nuclear deep inelastic scattering


12.1. Kari Enqvist (Helsinki U.)

23.1. Kari Rummukainen (Oulu U. & Helsinki U.)
Colloquium:”From actions to answers: particle physics and lattice simulations”

13.2. Paula Eerola (Helsinki U.)
Colloquium talk:”First physics at LHC: when and what”

14-24.2. D.H. Rischke (J.W. Goethe U. Frankfurt am Main)
Seminar: From kinetic theory to dissipative fluid dynamics

27.2. Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki U.)
Colloquium: The big black hole in the center of the Milky Way

11.-13.2., 17.-19.2., 25-26.2. Tuomas Lappi (Saclay)

14.-17.4 Francois Arleo (LAPTH, Annecy)

21-22.5. Hannu Kurki-Suonio (Helsinki U & HIP)
Colloquium: “Cosmology and the Planck Satellite”

25-29.6. Jianwei Qiu (Iowa State U., Ames)
Opponent for H. Paukkunen

7.8, 11.8 Harri Niemi (J. W. Goethe U., Frankfurt am Main)

20.11. Risto Orava (Helsinki U.)


1.2. Kenneth Österberg (Helsinki)
Colloquium talk: “Loooking Forward with TOTEM at the LHC ”

11.-22.2. Dirk Rischke (Frankfurt)

12.-13.2. A. Tranberg (Oulu)
seminar: “Cold electroweak baryogenesis”

25.-27.2. A. Kurkela (Helsinki)
seminar: “Dimensional reduction near deconfinement transition of QCD”.

18.4. Stephane Peigne (Nantes)
seminar: “Parton Collisional Energy Loss in a Quark Gluon Plasma”.

24.4. C. Cronström
seminar: History of Helsinki Institute of Physics

3-6.8.2008 A. Dumitru, Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, Germany
As the opponent of Harri Niemi

8.8. Tuomas Lappi (Saclay)
seminar: Diffractive PDFs

15.8. Pasi Huovinen
seminar: “Viscous hydrodynamics”

18.-22.8. Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki)
Summer School Lectures: “New Gauge/gravity Duality Ideas and their Applications”

18.-22.8. Paul Romatschke
Summer School Lectures: “New Developments in Relativistic Viscous Hydrodynamics for RHIC”

25.-29.8 David d’Enterria (CERN)
Lectures: “Forward physics at the LHC”

25.-29.8 Paul Hoyer (Helsinki)
Lectures: “QCD and hadron phenomenology”

25.-29.8 Tiina Suomijärvi (IPN Orsay)

Lectures: “Physics of high energy cosmic rays”

25.-29.8 Marc Vanderhaeghen (Mainz)
Lectures: “Hadron structure at FAIR”

25.-29.8 Wolfgang Kuehn (Giessen)

7.10. Keijo Kajantie (Helsinki)
Seminar: “Superfluid Relativistic Hydrodynamics”


2-3.1. M. Laine (Bielefeld)

17.-24.2 Dirk Rischke (Univ. of Frankfurt)

22-28.2. X.-N- Wang (LBNL)

22-28.2. I. Vitev (LANL)

O(50) foreign participants in the workshop on “High-pT Physics at LHC”,
organized by us at JYFL, 22-27.2.

3-6.6. F. Sannino (SDU/Odense)

3-5.9. T. Tahkokallio (Helsinki)

6-15.10. A. Dumitru (Frankfurt)

11.10. K. Kajantie (Helsinki)

19-20.12. T. Lappi (Saclay)


8.-9.2.2006 Y. Li (Minneapolis)

10.-26.2.2006. D. H. Rischke (Frankfurt)

12.4.2006 T. Lappi (BNL)

5.-12.5.2006 J. Ruppert (Duke U.)

11.-18.5.2006 R. Vogt (LBNL& Davis)

25.-27.5.2006 G. Baym (Urbana)

3.11.2006 K. Rummukainen (Oulu)

7.-8.12.2006 K. Rummukainen (Oulu)


Peter Levai (Budapest, Hungary)

Carlos Salgado (CERN-TH)

D. H. Rischke (Frankfurt)

Á. Mócsy (Frankfurt)

D. D. Dietrich (NBI)

T. Renk (Duke University, NC, USA)

Horst Stöcker (Frankfurt)


A. Ipp (Austria)

D. Rischke (Frankfurt)

E. Keski-Vakkuri (Helsinki, HIP)

F. Sannino (Denmark)

P. Aurenche (France)

R. Pisarski (BNL, USA and Nordita)

I. Vitev (LANL, USA)

P. Hoyer (Helsinki)

S. Heppelmann (Pen State, USA)

J. Ritman (Giessen)

U. Mosel (Giessen)

W. Cassing (Giessen)

W. Kuehn (Giessen)


Pasi Huovinen (Univ. of Minneapolis)
7.-10.1. 2003

Francois Gelis (SPhT, Saclay)

Dirk Rischke (Univ. of Frankfurt)

Tuomas Lappi (Univ. of Helsinki)

Sourendu Gupta (TIFR, Mumbai)

P. Huovinen (Univ. of Minneapolis)

K. Tuominen (NORDITA)

M. Laine (Bielefeld)

J. Randrup (LBNL)
3.-30.8.2003, JYFL

R. Vogt (LBNL & UC Davis)
3.-30.8.2003, JYFL

K. Kajantie (Helsinki)

A. Dainese (Padova, ALICE)

F. Sannino (Nordita)


Pasi Huovinen (Univ. of Minneapolis)

Carlos Salgado (CERN/TH)

Dirk H. Rischke (University of Frankfurt)

Nestor Armesto (University of Cordoba)

Michael Strickland (Duke University)

Kimmo Tuominen (NORDITA)

Pasi Huovinen (Univ. of Minneapolis)

Bronislaw G. Zakharov (Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics, Russia)

Ralf Rapp (NORDITA)

Kimmo Tuominen (NORDITA)

Peter Kolb, (Stony Brook)


Berndt Muller (Duke University)

Keijo Kajantie (University of Helsinki)

John Harris (Yale University)

Urs Wiedemann (CERN/TH)

Keijo Kajantie (University of Helsinki)

Nestor Armesto (University of Cordoba)

Kimmo Tuominen (NORDITA)